Tuesday, March 30, 2004
you go to a new place, you sight see all day, you take sight seeing pics, and you take "artsy" pics. You would think that would be enough, but noooooooooooooooooooooooooo.....I get back to the hotel, and I'm still shooting
like this.....

Wet Paint, Hotel Cosmo, San Francisco, CA
Monday, March 29, 2004
More oldies

Herald Square area, NYC
Times Square, NYC in the rain...

...rainy day, dream away...
Well, I woke up today, a Monday.....yuck!.....copied a few film scans to CD, to take with me and edit and get ready for the web, so I could post a pic or two on this photoblog today. Left the damn CD sitting on the computer desk at home. Typical for me, for a Monday morning. So, you guys are in for a treat ;o)
It's Monday Oldies Day.
This is taken with a 35mm fixed lens Point and Shoot camera, in a parking lot of a train station in NJ, Tri-X in HC-110

Title explains where it was taken....with a 35mm AF range-finder camera, Tri-X in HC-110

Chinatown, NYC, FEB 2004
Sunday, March 28, 2004
still in San Francisco, CA

interesting delivery people San Francisco has

San Francisco CA
Saturday, March 27, 2004

sometimes I even shoot in color. I have no idea where this is except it is in San Francisco, CA

The Left Side of the Street
Powell and Market, San Francisco, CA

...some more pre St. Paddy's Day Parade..........somewhere on Market Street

Irish clown, San Francisco, CA
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Irish clown, San Francisco, CA
Friday, March 26, 2004
for the moment we'll leave North Beach and head south to SOMA(?)...first street south of Market Street on 2nd Street. This pic is of a group gathering to join the St Paddy's Day Parade.

Irish lass and her Irish Wolfhound
Thursday, March 25, 2004
...and another from North Beach, San Francisco, CA

from March 13 thru March 17, 2004 I was in San Francisco, CA. This pic was in the area known as North Beach. Pretty cool area for street photography, especially at night.

North Beach, San Francisco, CA
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North Beach, San Francisco, CA
Just added some links...hope this works
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ah.................almost time to get out of this place...............YES!!!
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ok.......lets see how this all works now
pic #1

Crowded subway car, NYC
Assuming you are seeing the above pic, this was taken within the last 5 months. It was sort of an experiment with trying to keep a decent center of interest in an extremely crowded scene. I think I managed to accomplish it.
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pic #1

Crowded subway car, NYC
Assuming you are seeing the above pic, this was taken within the last 5 months. It was sort of an experiment with trying to keep a decent center of interest in an extremely crowded scene. I think I managed to accomplish it.
...and so it begins.
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