Monday, May 17, 2004
I recently got unrestricted (...well, somewhat anyhow) use of my son's digital cam he got for this past Christmas. A Kodak EasyShare thing........the one with or what ;o)
Not what I would buy for myself, but the quality aint bad at all.......the automatic automatic scenario however, is a different story. Especially, when you consider that I own stuff like the beast below, a Rolleiflex TLR (1937 vintage........maybe 1939........regardless, OLD!). So, I thought I'd take a pic of the oldest cam at my disposal, the Rollei, with the newest cam at my disposal, the Kodak........heh! Sorry, this is my first experience with digital, and I'm taking pics of some the weirdest stuff ;o)..........that guardrail shot posted previously is also done with the Kodak.

Rolleiflex TLR
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