Tuesday, April 27, 2004
...was meeting people while I was in NYC, and the best place to meet in NYC is by the Information clock at GCT. Everybody can figure out where that is.

Grand Central Terminal, NYC
Monday, April 26, 2004

Village Street Fair, NYC
Went to New York City over the weekend...fun time. So guess what the next batch of pics are?

Village Street Fair, NYC
Sunday, April 18, 2004
...I think it's Saturday that the Ferry Building, where Market and The Embarcadaro(sp?) meet in San Francisco, has an open air market.............so............not that I took any pics of vegetables and fruit, mind ya............I took some pics of the people that were milling around.

Ferry Building, San Francisco, CA
Saturday, April 17, 2004
well, not getting a lot of time lately to scan pics...........but, I'll do what I can for now. Anyhow, went to Fisherman's Wharf while I was in San Francisco, the Alcatraz trip was booked solid all day...........which might have been really cool, roaming around taking pics of a prison. Anyhow, roamed around Fisherman's Wharf..........major tourist trap if ya ask me....so I went in the back corners and shot pics there. The harbor actaully looked better thru reflections in windows and/or mirrors...this is one such try.

Fisherman's Wharf, San Francisco, CA
Monday, April 12, 2004
The Heatwave of 2004, San Francisco....a scorching 85 degrees F. Sheesh...they have it tough in San Fran, don't they?!

Spring Heatwave, San Francisco
Sunday, April 11, 2004

Central Park, NYC

Wednesday, April 07, 2004
was in New York City a while back and stumbled into Olylmpus's 2004 Fall Fashion Week in Bryant Park. Not my normal thing to shoot, but I was there and it was kinda neat playing paparazzi at the entrance to the place. Funny thing is, nobody, not even the real paparazzi, knew I was not really one of them. That's actually kinda scary.......ya know!?
Anyhow, put together a small slide show of the more interesting pics, hope you all enjoy.
Tuesday, April 06, 2004
excuse my not posting for a couple days now...been "under the weather". This pic is looking out my hotel window in San Francisco at "first light" (or there abouts)..........although, it is also a reasonable look at how I feel right now..........gawd i hate being sick!

sfrent net
Saturday, April 03, 2004
the weekend is fiinally here. They should make it 2 days work and 5 day weekends (same paycheck....of course). That seems much better to me. but.....................

...somewhere in San Francisco, CA
Friday, April 02, 2004
........Johnny Depp and Macy's.....
hmmmmmm....wonder if there is some hidden meaning there...

Powell Street, The Shopping District, San Francisco, CA
Thursday, April 01, 2004
...just love hanging around in the New York City subways

NYC Subway
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NYC Subway